Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 1

   Well, it;s been a week now and we are settling in.  I have found a job with an immunization clinic.  Everyone has probably seen one, they are set up in all the Walmart and Sam's Club locations around the country.  It sounds like a good job and I will actually be making more than I was in TN.  I get to choose my location and hours and there is a Walmart about one mile from us.  I am waiting to get the online training program from them and I will begin work on Aug 1st and it will run through November 1st, by then I will have reached the limit I can make according to Social Security.  Karen has her name in at several temp agencies but they  haven't yet come up with an actual position for her.  It will be nice to get back to work.  This whole adventure would be a lot more interesting if we had a little money to actually do something with.  There are many things around here that we would like to explore but have to put that off for awhile and get back on our financial feet again.  The rent is paid and there's food on the table so life is good.
  Karen and I have been looking into churches in the area and went to mass on Saturday night.  We figured we would try several and then settle down on one that we could get involved in.  After hearing the list of the names of the different parishes I told her we have to go to Our Lady of Perpetual Help,  that is the name of the parish I was baptized in, although that one was in Brooklyn, NY.  It was a nice service and in English.  They have 5 masses there including the Saturday night mass.  The Saturday night mass and the 9 & 11 O'clock masses are in English.   We will try a different parish next week and since there are about 20 Catholic Churches listed we should be able to find one close that we feel we can fit into and contribute to.
  The RV park we are in is on summer hiatus you might say.  There was a landslide so they had to empty the pool to keep the pressure off the walls since the landslide involved the earth wall that supported the pool.  That is all fixed now and they have refilled the pool.
   It really looks nice and should be open in a couple of days.
The lake, right now, looks like a barren wasteland.  It is in the process of being filled again also.  Apparently, because of dry conditions, during the summer they lower the level of the lake.  You can hear the water pouring into the lake  and it seems like it is a lot of water being fed into it but the level of the lake barely changes day to day.  I have picked out a landmark so I can see if it is rising each day.  It is going to be beautiful when it is full.

 Karen says that she is becoming addicted to watching the palm trees sway in the wind.  It is always breezy here from a light breeze to really gusty conditions and it is somewhat relaxing to just sit there and watch it.  The climate here has really been nice.  Like I said there is always a breeze and the humidity never gets that high so it is pleasant most of the time.  the people that we have met here are very friendly.  There aren't too many that are here right now and we are waiting to see what it is like when the park is full.

See  you down the raod,
Don & Karen

1 comment:

  1. It is hard selecting a church isn't it. We have been in that process and know well what that is like. Love the shape of the pool. It will be interesting to see how long it takes the lake to fill. When you become bored with that you can watch the palm trees sway! Happy for your new job and hope something comes along for Karen soon. Hugs and happy times to you.
