Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wow! Has it been that long?

Just looking back and I see it has been a year+ since the last time I wrote on here, and what a year it has been.

We are both still working and still looking forward to the days we can get on the road. It has been a year full of health issues, financial issues and family issues. We have had to postpone our plans for a while. Hopefully by the summer of 2012 we will be on the road.

I have had some health issues that have, and are, being dealt with. This has led to some of the financial issues since I hadn't been able to work for most of the year. These issues have mostly involved gastrointestinal problems. First I wasn't able to get food down then later I couldn't eat anything without getting sick. Surgery took care of the first problem and diet changes were able to take care of the second problem. A food group called "Nightshades" is responsible. This includes tomatoes, potatoes, peppers(of any kind), and several other items. Once we figured this out, with my daughter's help and her mastery of the internet, things have gotten back to "normal".
My daughter, Jennye, and her family, husband Michael and sons Ezra and Boaz have come to live with us for a whileafter moving back from California and we have enjoyed having them with us since we hadn't seen them in two years prior to this. They are in the process of buying a home and preparing move, they hope this Labor Day or soon afterward.
Our plans for the future have us looking forward to the end of May 2012 as our projected day of actually getting on the road and moving on. We have taken the first step and purchased a vehicle that will pull the travel trailer we are interested in getting. Our home will go on the market this fall and we are hoping that the housing market has improved even a little bit since we tried last time to sell. This will be the next milestone for us after Jennye and family move to their new home.
I had been prompted by a dear friend to update this blog so, Janie, here it is. I will try to do better in the future and post more regularly.

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