Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Week 1
Karen and I have been looking into churches in the area and went to mass on Saturday night. We figured we would try several and then settle down on one that we could get involved in. After hearing the list of the names of the different parishes I told her we have to go to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, that is the name of the parish I was baptized in, although that one was in Brooklyn, NY. It was a nice service and in English. They have 5 masses there including the Saturday night mass. The Saturday night mass and the 9 & 11 O'clock masses are in English. We will try a different parish next week and since there are about 20 Catholic Churches listed we should be able to find one close that we feel we can fit into and contribute to.
The RV park we are in is on summer hiatus you might say. There was a landslide so they had to empty the pool to keep the pressure off the walls since the landslide involved the earth wall that supported the pool. That is all fixed now and they have refilled the pool.
It really looks nice and should be open in a couple of days.
The lake, right now, looks like a barren wasteland. It is in the process of being filled again also. Apparently, because of dry conditions, during the summer they lower the level of the lake. You can hear the water pouring into the lake and it seems like it is a lot of water being fed into it but the level of the lake barely changes day to day. I have picked out a landmark so I can see if it is rising each day. It is going to be beautiful when it is full.
Karen says that she is becoming addicted to watching the palm trees sway in the wind. It is always breezy here from a light breeze to really gusty conditions and it is somewhat relaxing to just sit there and watch it. The climate here has really been nice. Like I said there is always a breeze and the humidity never gets that high so it is pleasant most of the time. the people that we have met here are very friendly. There aren't too many that are here right now and we are waiting to see what it is like when the park is full.
See you down the raod,
Don & Karen
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Mission, TX ... finally
We finally got on the road Saturday morning. We made it to Harrah's in Tunica, MS without incident. They have a really nice RV park there and with the Good Sam discount it is about the most reasonable place you can stay.
We went into the casino only for the purpose of visiting Paula Deen's buffet. What a meal, the food there is unbelievable. We both had the prime rib and it was just wonderful, melt in your mouth beef. OK, I got $5 in free slot play and used it all at the rate of a dollar a minute. Karen and I both tried our hand at some games for $20 and well that was all we really had to spend there. Back to the RV and get some rest for the road the next day.
Sunday we left Tunica at 9:00 AM heading for Bryant AR to see Karen's brother Kenny whom I had never met. We got to mile market 213 on I-40 in AR. A semi-tractor had flipped over and blocked the lane. The bad part of that is that it happened at the exact spot where the roadway narrowed to one lane for construction. We were stuck in that traffic, at a complete standstill most of the time, for almost three hours. Karen had to call her brother and let him know that we were not going to be there for lunch. Arkansas has some of the worst roads I have driven on so the fact that they were working on it was a relief and except for the accident it moved pretty freely the rest of the way. We had been planning on having lunch and then continuing on to Dallas that sameday. Well, all that construction put us so far behind that we decided to stay overnight in Bryant AR. Kenny was nice enough to call ahead for us got us a spot at the I-30 RV park for the night. We didn't even bother to unhitch the trailer. We just hooked up the electric so the girls (Prissy & Duchess) could have the air on while we were gone. We leveled the trailer and went with Kenny and his wife Janet to their home. We had a really nice visit it was great to get to meet them and their three sons, catch up on some news and leave some history, in the form of old photos, with them. Thank you Kenny and Janet for your hospitality.
Monday it was off to Dallas. Of course Karen had been on the phone with everyone letting them know that we weren't going to be there and tell them our change of plans. On our way there we were flagged down by someone in the next lane who we thought was telling us that our lights were blinking. Everything seemed to be operating okay. I tried the lights and they seemed to be fine and the brake controller was telling me it was connected but, the next chance we had to pull off I went to check the connection to make sure that it was secure and everything was working. It was then that I realized he had been telling us that the license plate was loose. I took it off and put it in a side window for the time being hoping we wouldn't get stopped for it. That didn't seem to be a problem and we never did get stopped. We got to the Destiny RV Park in Denton Texas without further problems and checked in to our site. Again we parked, hooked up electric, and leveled the trailer and left it hitched to the Denali since we were heading out first thing in the morning. We had now discovered that we had no money in our bank account. Some unforeseen debits popped up and now we were traveling cash in hand. This truly has been an adventure. Our granddaughter MacKenzie and her boyfriend Evan, who attend University of North Texas in Denton, came and picked us up and we then all went to our friends Rose & Rod's house. Everyone went in for a swim, well except Rose and me. They have a wonderful home and it was great to see their daughters Rachael and Becky again. After everyone got out of the pool and changed we went to meet Rod at Romano's Macaroni Grill for dinner. It was a wonderful evening of catching up and getting to know each other. Thank you Rod & Rose for a wonderful dinner.
After dinner we went with Evan & MacKenzie to see her new home. It is a really nice house and we got to see her new puppy Domino. He is just big enough now to fit in your hand. Thanks for chauffeuring us around town pointing out the highlights as we sped by.
Tuesday morning it is off to San Antonio, whoops, I mean Mission Texas. Since we were now lower on funds than we anticipated we decided to go ahead and make the long trip all the way to Mission and not have to spend money on an extra nights stay. Before we left I decided that since the license plate still had the frame attached I would just duct tape it to the bumper of the trailer. We repacked the trailer with all the tubs disconnected the electric and raised the leveling jacks and we were off. Thank God for the Good Sam Club card for Pilot/Flying J we knew we would be able to have enough fuel for the trip. Using this meant that we would have to alter our route a little bit so that those stops were within our fuel range. This was nice though since we hadn't been to this part of the country before we got to do a little exploring. We ended up going through Laredo and seeing some of that city since we were no longer on an interstate. I will say that Texas has some of the nicest roads you could travel. As is to be expected in Texas they are all big. They are all well maintained also. There was a lot of construction going on but most of it did not interfere with traffic as it was new construction of roads and not just repairs. On hwy 83 after we left Laredo there was quite a bit of construction on that road also. We ran into some very heavy rain right after dark that did slow us down a little bit but it ended soon and we continued on. The speed limits in Texas are higher than "normal" and we had a lot of people passing us. I tend to be a little on the pokey side and some of the speed limits seemed a little extreme. At one of our many stops I thought to check and see how the duct tape was holding up and see if I needed to reinforce it at all. The duct tape was in almost perfect condition, there was no license plate attached to it but the tape itself was fine. Somehow the plate had come off the frame. Well, I guess we'll have to call and see about getting a new one sent to us.
We arrived at Lake Canyon RV Park at about 10:45 that night. Needless to say there was no-one in the office but Karen had called to let them know that we would be very late and they left our site location for us on the office door. We backed into the site, emptied the tubs and set up what we had to and relaxed for a little while then off to bed.
This morning we went to the office to check in and everyone seems so nice. We drove around the park to see what it is like. There are not a lot of people here at this time of year, about 20 according to Kelly in the office. We have driven around a little to familiarize ourselves with the area and we like what we see so far. Our adventure has finally begun and we are looking forward to whatever lies ahead.
See you down the road,
Don & Karen
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Moving on
'getting on with it" there is a certain amount of anxiety involved also. Karen was commenting today that this will only be the second time in her life that she has moved. I have moved several times but, I always took the family with me. I have lived here In Dickson for almost 23 years, the longes I have ever lived anywhere. I will miss a lot of things here, especially the kids and grandchildren. It's kind of ironic that I prayed for so many years that Jennye and Michael, Ezra and Boaz would move back here from California and now that they have I am moving just as far away from them. I have also had the good luck, by marriage, to have more family become a part of my life and I will miss them also. We will end up missing a lot of things that we would normally attend, school functions and all that, but we just have to do this and do it now.
We will keep in touch here while on the road.
See you down the road,
Don & Karen
Friday, June 22, 2012
Dickson, week 3
After a couple of hours we went back to the house the women had prepared a fine dinner, brats, hot dogs, hamburgers, several salads and all the trimmings. It was truly a good day. After we got home my daughter Jennye facebooked me to tell me she had gotten me a gift certificate at Amazon.com which I loved. I immediately went to Amazon and ordered the musical "Porgy & Bess" and love the music. While I was on the site I set up a cloud to load the music onto. I can't believe I have a cloud, a week ago I couldn't figure out what a cloud was or why I would need one. It saves me a lot of storage memory on my phone. Love it! On Monday, had such a good time on Sunday, my grandson Dalton & I went fishing again. This time we left early in the morning and got to the lake @ Montgomery Bell State Park @ about 7:30. It was beautiful and peaceful at the lake. The ducks and geese were swimming by causing the only ripples on the water. The only other thing causing ripples in the lake were the fish jumping. I thought we might just get lucky that day. I managed to keep my streak alive though and we didn't have to be bothered with cleaning a bunch of fish. We really did have a nice time that day.
Like I said it has been hot Karen has gotten to the pool every day for an hour or so. We can't seem to get Bobby outside even to go to the pool. He is content to stay inside all day and play his X-box. We even went so far as to go his "pocket rocket", a small electric motorcycle, back so he would go outside and do something but, to no avail.
I took the Denali over to the Goodyear store to have them check out the tires and found a nail in both of them. $33 but it could have been worse. There is a "service ride control" light on my warning panel so I asked about getting that taken care of. I could not believe that shocks could possibly cost that much. I will take it back to them next week to be sure that's what the problem is. We haven't had any type of problem in the ride. Check in next week to see what happens.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Still in Dickson
I have lost track of the number of trips I have made to the old storage unit, the new storage unit, Goodwill & the dump, trying to sort things out and deciding what we really need and what is just junk.
Well, you don't see that often, a fire truck lights flashing siren blaring pulling into a campground. Right behind it is an ambulance no lights or siren. Of course I could always count on Bobby to find out what's going on. No flames or smoke visible so mustn't be a fire. Apparently a women had a stroke. There are a lot of full time residents here. I was on my way to take Donnie to get his drivers license taken care of but, I knew that Bobby couldn't resist running over and getting the lowdown. He doesn't take no for an answer. He would probably make a good reporter.
Well, as I was saying just a few more things to go through and we'll be settled in here.
I'm still having trouble with the 7 pin connector that connects the car to the trailer. It got cut during setup. I have re spliced everything, pretty simple color-to-color. The brake controller doesn't indicate it's connected and brake lights and directional don't work on right side of trailer. If anyone has any thoughts I'd love to hear them.
See you down the road,
Don & Karen
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Dickson, TN
Took a long walk this morning and felt pretty good. It was nice to be able to go for a walk and not have to suffer from the hip pain. Prissy seemed to like it too.
Not really too much to say about this stay. We have lots of things to do this week and hoping Bobby will be able to stay with uncle Tim & Aunt Renee and the boys this week. We will be spending a lot of time at the storage unit, which doesn't have wi-fi and he would really be bored. We're trying to get out of the unit that we're in right now and be able to move to a smaller (cheaper) unit so things have to go. There are still things that we need to take with us, things to find new homes for and things to just get rid of. Goodwill may be tired of us by Thursday.
I will still add to the blog even if it seems dull, so is our life from time to time.
See you down the road
Don & Karen
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Lebanon, TN
Still trying to figure out this whole blog thing and when I do I will get the pictures where I want them on the blog
See you down the road,
Don & Karen
Friday, June 1, 2012
Sevierville, TN
Today we're in Sevierville, TN. River Plantation RV Park. this is a really nice Good Sam's park. It is very large and has a lot of full timers. I have been getting out and walking everyday trying to get some exercise. I figure it's going to either ease the aches and pains or put me in a ride-on scooter. I'm going back to the doctor next week to get another steroid shot. Hopefully that will hold me for another 4 months or so. I didn't realize how long or steep the road was up to the front to get a picture of the entry to the park. Halfway up it seemed longer and steeper than it did at the bottom. The boys have been swimming quite a bit, as much as they can, and have made some friends here in the park. Can you spend too much time at the pool? They have a very nice pool area here including pools, one of which had an inclined slope to get in the pool and a water fountain at one end and a hot tub.
We haven't been able to get out and do as much as we would like due to financial constraints at the time but hopefully we'll at least get in some miniature golf or something. This is the perfect weekend for the synchronous firefly. This is an occurrence that only happens here in the Smoky Mountains from what I understand. Haven't been able to get to see them mainly because of the weather but am hoping that it will clear up by this evening and will take a trip to the National Park. You can check this out for yourself at r http://www.nps.gov/grsm/

Had to refill the LP gas for the first time today. It wasn't that bad $25 for the 30lb tank. I thought that was a reasonable price for that. We'll see how long that lasts. We will be here for several more days before getting back on the road and heading to Lebanon, TN which we will call home for the next month or so.
See you down the road
Don & Karen
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Racoon Mountain
Great day here in Chattanooga. Whole family went to the TN Aquarium today. Quite a place. All the usual specimens you would expect to see alligators, turtles, sharks .. etc but, the way it is laid out is very nice. Two separate buildings rivers & oceans. They also had water flowing through a man-made creek which ran through the property. On such a hot day as this the younger kids loved it and the old ones cooled their tired feet in it. The kids loved petting the sting rays and the sturgeon. The stugeon came with a warning to use 2 fingers only and not to try and grab the fish. They apparently don't like this and have very sharp teeth.
Arriving back @ camp on such a hot day everyone was pretty well spent Tristen(4) was already napping in the backseat of the minivan. Bobby & Karen headed off to the pool and Dalton & I followed after a while. After about an hour we all headed back to camp to get dinner going. Powerful storms all night really lighting up the night. Wow, it's tomorrow already. Heading out this morning for Sevierville TN. See you down the road, Don & Karen
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Last day @ "home base"
Sunday, Karen's off @ the laundromat getting the laundry done. This is a somewhat new experience which, she says on Facebook, has some advantages. She can get it all done @ once and not have it be an all day chore. Just one of those changes we'll have to get used to.
The garage sale is over which went well. Can't say it was a great success but we did ok. Hard to have a gsrage sale on the weekend that set or equalled the record high temps for the day, every day. Karen was worn out after two days and left it for Lescelle & Sami (duaghter-in-law & granddaughter) to finish up on Friday. All that is left is to take the leftovers to Goodwill.
For those interested in visiting this area Montgomery Bell State Park is a nice place to stay. Campground is wooded or open, there are ball fields and playgrounds and is well looked after by park rangers and the camp hosts and there are adequate & clean restrooms & showers. For those non-campers there is a wonderful inn to stay at. The park has a swimming beach, boat rentals, including canoes & paddle boats and of course, fishing. We have enjoyed staying here for several years. Bobby is a little upset because they won't let him ride his "pocket rocket". It is a small electric motorcycle but they feel it is too small and people in vehicles won't be abe to see him.
Tomorrow, off to Chattanooga!
See you down the road,
Don & Karen
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Today's the day!
It has really happened! Today we had the hitch & brakes installed and are back @ Montgomery Bell St Pk until Monday. It was a little nerve wracking driving 30. Miles bwith just a regular hitch and no trialer brakes but, we made it there fine. It took almost 3 hours to have it done. We had no choice, but to wait there since they needed both the trailer & the car.
Well, with our first pull under our belts we are ready for Chattanooga and Mont Eagle Mountain(they have runaway truck ramps on that decline).
See you down the road,
Don & Karen
Friday, May 18, 2012
Less than a week to go
It is less than a week now until we are finally ready to get on the road. Next Wed we have the hitch and brakes put on and then a couple of days @ Montgomery Bell St. Pk. and the off to Chattanooga.
Things are progressing well, the house is empty, the new tenants will be moving things in tomorrow, garage sale stuff is being sorted and I can't count the number of trips to the dump. Still things to do yet but mostly just finding places for everything now.
Karen's son Chris arrived last night, or should I say early this morning with granson Bobby in tow. Chris will be with us for three days but Bobby will travel with us almost all summer.
See you down the road,
Don & Karen
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Well, it has finally happened. We have sold the motor home and rented the house all in the same day. After putting some oil in the engine and some transmission fluid it started right up and ran well. The man that bought it didn't seem to care if anything else worked in it. He drove it off and hopefully made it back to Murfreesboro, about a 60 mile trip, safely.
The family that came today to see the house fell in love with it and are ready to move in. Their five children have fallen in love with the property, and all the reptiles that seem to live here. We feel that they are a good match for the house and the neighborhood. The husband has already made contact with the neighbor across the street since they are both into motorcycles and four wheelers. I hope that they find as much happiness in this home as I have.
Needless to say Karen and I are both excited about this turn of events. The things that we needed to accomplish have finally come to pass. We have been waiting for over a year for this to happen. It's been such a good day we even bought a Powerball ticket.
Our next goal is to have the equalizer hitch and electric brake assembly installed on the Denali. This is on the calendar for May 23rd but we may just push that up a bit so we can get away for another weekend before traveling to Chattanooga with Donnie, Leschelle and family. We have been living in the trailer for three weeks now but have yet to actually tow it anywhere. We will need to have the trailer towed to Camping World in Nashville to have the hitch and brakes installed and just haven't been able to do that yet, until now.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Second beginning
Well, it has finally begun. Today is day number one of DALNKAL's Journey. Last night we purchased our travel trailer and spent our first night in it. All seems to be well with it. The air conditioner works well as does all the plumbing. It is used so a little work is expected but so far no real problems. We are still trying to figure pout where everything will go in here (clothes, food, pots and pans ... etc). In an RV space is a premium quantity so you can't waste any. We have spent our first night at Montgomery Bell State Park in Burns TN. This is out favorite camping location, so far. We can only stay here for 14 days and then we have to leave for 3 so we may just take a short trip to Tunica, MS and stay at the Harrah's there. We've been there before in the motor home and the campground is nice and they have a great pool. May be a little early for that but we'll see.
Karen retired on the 13th of April and I hope to be able to retire at the end of May. We have taken the house off the market since we had little to no response to it and are now trying to rent it. We had someone just about ready to move in and then they backed out so we have re-posted to Craig's List and have had some inquiries about it.
We are going to Chattanooga, TN with Donnie and Leschelle and the kids for a week at the end of May and will let you know how that goes. After that we are looking forward to our futur e travels and will keep everyone informed on here how it goes. Travel plans have probably changed because of the price of gas these days but we are still intending to set out to somewhere. We'll let you know where.