Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lebanon, TN

Today we left Sevierville, ok now it's been a couple of days. Right now I'm sitting in beautiful Centennial Park in downtown Nashville watching the ducks & pretty fountains @ the lake. It has been a time the past couple of days. First, I don't think I will ever tire of driving through east TN down I-40. Driving through the Great Smokie Mountains. The view is just indescibable. As you crest one mountain top and see the valleys & mountains ahead of you. This time of year it is a patchwork quilt of every shade of green imaginable. I have always said that you can see the hand of God @ work in these magnificent vistas. All you have to do is open your eyes and appreciate the splendor of nature laid out before you. I can't imagine any part of the country more beautiful than this but, I am anxious to see all the rest of the sights to see what can challenge this thought. Stopped to get gas just as we reached our destination in Lebanon and managed to cut the corner too tight and tear a small gash in the side of the trailer by hitting one of the guard posts the put up just for such an occasion. No major damage done except to my ego. On to Shady Acres where we have been looking forward to staying for at least two years. No monthly sites left ... bummer. Not too many sites to choose from at all. Well we got in the site and upon examination of the damage to the trailer I noticed that there was also some minor damage to the wheel & tire on the other side. I have no idea how this occurred and doesn't seem to be too bad. All part of the new experience I guess. After some deliberation & phone calls we decided that since we have so much stuff to do in Dickson and weren't able to get the monthly rate in Lebanon it would be better to get a site in Dickson. We managed to get a spot @ Dickson RV Park for the monthly rate and of course it is 56 miles closer to where we need to be a lot of the time. Well, what an ordeal this has turned out to be. First of all the people there bare very friendly & helpful, possibly too helpful. We did all the paperwork and one of the guys that works there, Brian, showed us our site and he and the manager guided us into it. They then jumped in to help get it set up and leveled. Well by the time that it was level two wheels on one side were off the ground. For some reason Brian raised the tongue jack @ that time the whole trailer swung off the leveling jacks and fell. When this happened the front right jack was damaged and is now unusable. Now to top that off the 7 pin connector cable which runs the lights & brakes on the trailer fell on the ground and the tongue jack must have landed on in and severed it. Just another of life's experiences. Anyway, they finally got it leveled and it is now up on blocks and stable ... level not so much but, hopefully enough to live with for a month.

Still trying to figure out this whole blog thing and when I do I will get the pictures where I want them on the blog

See you down the road,
Don & Karen

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